Learning in a Christ-Centered environment for over 50 years
Learning in a Christ-Centered environment for over 50 years
Gift Card Fundraising with RaiseRight
Turn your everyday expenses into earnings! Simply buy gift cards and shop online through Glendale Christian School's RaiseRight program, and brands automatically give up to 20% back to help pay for our current goal to raise funds for our new Playground Equipment.
Use gift cards to pay for everyday things like groceries, gas, clothing, coffee, or dining out, and you could earn more than $1,000 per year!
Plus, with eGift cards, reloadable gift cards, and a mobile app available, you can buy gift cards and shop online through RaiseRight anytime, anywhere.
To learn more and request Glendale Christian School's enrollment code to join, contact the Office at office@glendalelutheranschool.org or 206-244-6085.
If you already have the enrollment code, visit RaiseRight.com/Enroll to sign up and get started.
Link your Rewards Card at Fred Meyer to Glendale Lutheran School for our school to receive rewards from Fred Meyer! You will still keep 100% of your reward points, fuel points and rebates; you will just have the added bonus of helping us receive donations from Fred Meyer.
To link your card, log onto your online account and search for our school. Once your card is linked online it will stay linked to our school until you wish to change it.
How to link your card
1. Log onto your account online
2. Click “My Account” on the top right corner
3. Scroll to the bottom and under “Community Rewards” click on “enroll”
4. Search for our school and select (KN900)
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